“Longing for solitude, the hermits have been chained to their grumpy fellows and set among others given to indiscriminate and voluble amiability.” Carl Sagan, Cosmos
In 1991, Douglas Coupland published a novel called Generation X: Tales for an Accelerated Culture. I read this gem and although the story reigns supreme, I have not pondered the plot much in the last millennium. I remember being knocked off my feet as a teenager, mesmerized by the concepts and candid veracity within the text. (Alas, I scoured my bookshelf with no luck of having held fast to the book itself… bullocks.) The story is about four 20-something friends who each tell their tale/version of creation and their current rotting society. So, in search of truth or at least a modicum of interesting blog babble, I Googled my heart out. Not much exists in the way of viable criticism for this particular genre-iffic book. Although, I did find one chap who erroneously claims the title of the book spawned the name of the generation. Let me clarify, Generation X is an actual categorization of people “born between approximately 1965 to 1980, and connected to the pop culture of the 1980s and 1990s they grew up in. Other names used interchangeably with Generation X are Reagan Generation, 13th Generation, and Baby Busters” (Wikipedia source). Onward, shall we?
To say the least, I suppose curiosity and exploration is tethering me to a nouveaux medium. During the course of my media literacy class I have begun to search for answers and a grave understanding of this new technological territory we are breaching. I seek answers and knowledge yet still shy from the advancing conformity- a catechism for the future. However, I guess I am classified as Generation X. Therefore, I divine the obnoxious rite to blithely bitch about those my junior. Ha Ha. Generation Y, the precipitous mass of unholy technological bums... Man, that sounds so bitter but really it’s more the green-eyed monster of envy rearing its ugly head. “Ah! Kids these days!” What the hell are we going to do? The generation of decoded, near technological perfection is here! These babes are now graduating high school and college. They rule this dynamic now. Cell phones instead of sippy cups and ipods instead of turntables, we ARE (NOT) doomed. Joking aside, I am at an impasse with the virile and computer-savvy youth. Society mocks their relentless laziness and broad-ban boredom yet we revere their knowledge! I am equally shocked and impressed by their inherent nature and ability to navigate “the system.” To whom do I owe my admitted gratitude and faithless abandon of OUR future to? I guess, in short, inevitability and (darn that) Charles Darwin. Dearest Gen Y, set forth and dominate during this critical hour. For goodness sake, remove those micro headphones and listen for your destiny. I bid you, wake up from your cyber-induced coma and connect those USB ports to a greater and more tangible reality. Your silence proves either numbness or genius- let it be the latter! We need more from you than humble disregard! We need to know the brightest and most innovative generation is upon us. You remain a generation consecrated with both humanity AND raging technology. Pivot or watch this thing end.
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